Thursday, April 7, 2016

Setter Citizen

Good thing we had a nice walk yesterday, it's absolutely pouring with rain today, and luckily both Mummy and the dogs have begun staying indoors rather than going for a wet walkies...the joys of having senior setters :) Claire has finally begun to poop in the garden too, which is wonderful.
 In spite of the rain we did have to go out to the local park for our annual rabies shots. Once we got under the makeshift tent and waited our turn, poor wee Claire decided something awful was about to happen and began shivering. When it was his turn, Nobu fled from the dangerous cover out into the rain, trying to escape. I grabbed him by the midriff and dragged him back, poor thing. Fortunately I know the volunteer vet from our cat years, great guy, and he popped in the jag with no fuss, over before you knew it, so I could move over to the payment tent and get our dog tags.
Having made a beeline for home and towel dryed the dogs, it was time for a wee training session with treats in the kitchen (Claire has forgotten all about wait!). I'm trying to teach the dogs to find my glasses, which I take off and forget around the house. Early stages yet...Then a wee romp with Nobu playing with a hard kong and some rope, before it was time for a chewy horse sinew and a settle down so I can blog and work...

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