Monday, April 25, 2016


Back from the Yokohama Vet Eye Clinic, if but for one brief moment...they say it's pretty thin chances of staying in...I pray, please pray with me...
...and losing hope...after our walkies at 16:30 the cherry eye popped out again and things are the way they were before...just as the vet, he thinks one operation won't be enough to sort the problem, probably multiple operations as the problem continues. So disappointed, I had kept up pressure on the corner of Sherlock's eye for at least an hour after the procedure, and then felt quite exhausted, tried to have a wee sleep and a very late lunch, but things were still okay until the very last lap of our walkies...feeling glum. He was such a different dog, no heeling any more, standing up proud and perky and hunting, taking control, independent, if that all disappears again now the cherry eye has come back....please pray some more, I need a miracle...

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