Monday, August 17, 2015

Mundane Affairs

While Claire is never found anywhere other than the armchair or couch, Nobunaga is a fan of the landing...He loves to flop his body down on the wood, making a statement with the booming sound as the hollow wood reverberates like a guitar. He hooks his bum up against the back wall, his tail along the crevice, his head and front paws hang off the top of the stairs, getting the most of the cool wood on his belly and side. More times than not, he'll be dozing there until something exciting happens which requires his attention: tidbits, perhaps, as I cook, or imminent walkies. 
 Luna takes advantage of the floor rugs and covers I put down in the kitchen and the sitting room, generally somewhere near me, and if I'm lucky she'll get close and lick my feet as I'm working, but not today, alas. I like to wash them often because she's such a creamy white.
Photos by Lelantos

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