Sunday, November 23, 2014

Seen through fresh eyes

A friend came by for the first time to have a cup of tea and meet the dogs, and here are some pictures courtesy of our visitor. It's always fun to have a fresh perspective on the babies, I'm so proud of their transformation from scared, neglected, abandoned babies to proud, glossy, prized pets.
Nobunaga is so gentle nibbling a tidbit from my hand...and Luna has finally learned to sit and wait her turn without jumping in and stealing out of excitement.
Luna is so bony and with her much thinner coat than the other furbabies, she's wearing doggie coats all day to keep warm as winter approaches. Right now I'm in the process of knitting one, spent a whole wasted day searching for my crochet hooks to do some edging and make some flower the time I found them (where they should have been in the first place, I had overlooked them in the clutter) it was too late to begin knitting...
And finally some close-ups of Lady Claire, to complete the set...
After meals Nobunaga has taken to licking the bowl so carefully, he moves with it across the kitchen floor... and then Chiaro di Luna dashes up from her cage to finish off the job, sending his doggie mat flying, so the kitchen is a bit of a mess...I do believe friends come to see me and the dogs and not judge the kitchen, so in that spirit, please turn a blind eye.

Photos by DragonSnake

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