Monday, January 2, 2012

Alluring Poses

Claire with a new scarf, and a soft glow of satisfaction on her face...the reason being a walk in Shinrin Park with umpteen pigeons..
We had no sooner arrived than Claire went into full hunting mode, stiff as a ramrod and then slowly creeping in, stealth on four paws...only the birds took flight, what a flock of pigeons, a flurry, a whirring, an upward beating of wings...impressive...

But by now Claire is a veteran, and she knows that these overweight spoilt critters don't go too far, and she'd be wasting her breath zinging after them. With a seasoned eye she follows their flight, and goes straight back into stalking mode as they alight on a nearby tree...
Meanwhile Nobu and I wander on by hither and thither as takes Nobu's fancy, but Claire never blinks an eye, oblivious to the world, Diana lost in the moonshine of the eternal hunt, her prey etched against the grey blue winter sky...

With two dogs on long leashes these are about the only times we can get snapping with the camera lately. When Nobu gets in his element and meets up with all the exotic dogs in the park we're doing all we can to make sure the leash doesn't get tangled, the dogs don't get nervous or aggressive, and Nobu doesn't go zinging off after the next dog he spies. Plus Claire likes to hide safely behind legs, not being the socialite, which means other dogs come up and try to sniff, ending up in python wrapped setter mums and dads...

And back home Claire's I put the finishing touches on Claire's new scarf, so I can wash the teddy bear one, and she is so pleased with the exercise, the excitement, the loving attention brushing out the invariable seeds and burrs, the new scarf, in a word, life... 

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